The Original XDP Token Game

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Let’s say you think the price of BACON is too expensive and you want to make a buy order at a lower price. This is the same as creating a Limit Order on a traditional exchange and involves a similar process. Click on the lowest-price sell order and adjust the amount we wish to purchase.

In the first period, 19,947 Dogeparty assets were minted. The project was later abandoned by the original developers in the second half of 2016 and Dogeparty wallets became inoperable. Nevertheless, wallet information was stored securely on the Dogecoin chain.

This makes it a highly powerful utility and a must-have for any how to buy volt inu v2 user. Dogeparty is a protocol that provides additional functionality for Dogecoin by using a special set of rules to allow the creation of tokens on its blockchain. To do this, it uses software forked from Counterparty, which is the same concept, but built for the Bitcoin blockchain. The most famous examples of Counterparty tokens are known as Rare Pepes, which are (more-or-less) “digital trading cards” based on variations of the Pepe the Frog meme. That is pretty interesting because one could mint Counterparty assets already in January 2014 (compared to August 2014 in case of Dogeparty).


Keep in mind that both Issue and Lock transactions require a fee of 1 DOGE. Press “Create Token” after double-checking you have set your parameters correctly. You will then be greeted by a popup window asking you to confirm issuance of the token. Click here for a video on how to use JSON files for Dogeparty tokens. Most likely you will want to mint a Named token, which means you will need at least 0.5 XDP to create it.

Remember that once you log out of Dogewallet, this information is no longer stored, and you will have to re-import the private key if you want to continue using this address through Dogewallet. In Dogeparty, “ownership” refers to having control over the ability to make changes to a token. Ownership is assigned to the token creator’s address upon its creation. To transfer token ownership, right-click on that token and select “Transfer Ownership of (TOKENNAME)”. Enter the address to which you want to transfer ownership and press “Transfer Ownership”.

85% of all XDP were creating using the Proof of Burn consensus mechanism in 2014 which effectively “burned” over 1.85 billion DOGE by moving them to an inaccessible wallet. Those who engaged in this initial coin burning process were rewarded with an amount of XDP proportional to the quantity of Dogecoin burned. Given the implications of the importance of the blockchain timestamp – in terms of self-managed data/financial ownership – how to buy ryoshi token token uses are limited only by one’s imagination. The website itself is still accessible but the json file is not working. First pull up the trading pair in the Exchange tab (in this case, BACON/XDP) and scroll down to the middle segment.

  • It is possible to also open DOGE-backed trading pairs, although this is a bit more complicated and time-consuming.
  • For an overview, see the Dogeparty presentation given in the HNFT Museum.[1] Since April 2023, you can also issue Dogecoin STAMPs directly on Dogecoin.
  • If it turns out they are not, the order will be stuck pending indefinitely and must be manually cancelled for the DOGE or tokens to be released back to the owner’s balance.
  • Click here for a video explanation of how to create a dispenser.
  • You can always sort them according to price by clicking on the “DOGE Price” column.
  • Granted you have the 1 DOGE to cover the transaction fee, your asset will now be on the way to its new owner.

See also the detailed bitcointalk thread and the version of the project page. Its artwork is not directly displayed on, but if you copy the Imgur link into your browser you can see a little ant (Figure 3). Nine wallets hold the total supply and none of them has showed any activity in the last three years (8 of 9 wallets are without any activity in the last six years). JOLLYROGER was issued by Daniel Spiller in block 342,893 on August 19, 2014, and an Imgur link of the image (Fig.2) was attached in the issuance transaction. It is the oldest token on Dogeparty for which the image has not been changed. The artwork is from Open Clip Art Library displaying a Jolly Roger (“pirate flag“).


Head back to your Balances tab, and if you don’t already see the recently-purchased asset, press the refresh icon once every minute until it appears. After the purchase process is finished, the token will appear in your address balance. Next, paste the address copied to your clipboard in the Destination field and enter the quantity of tokens you wish to send for the dispenser in the Amount field. After the transaction has confirmed on the blockchain, your newly-purchased XDP will appear under your DOGE balance. If you don’t see it, click the refresh icon immediately above the DOGE logo. Congratulations, you are now a XDP owner and can begin making your own Named tokens on Dogeparty.

The Original XDP Token Game

Most of these tokens were issued by (nowadays) inactive wallets and are not up for distribution at the time of this writing. Importing a private key can be used to display the balance of DOGE and/or Dogeparty tokens at its address in your Dogewallet. Since imported addresses are not stored by Dogewallet, you will need to transfer your balance to a Dogewallet address before logging out (if you want to keep them in a wallet address).

Issue/Lock Supply

It does require 1 DOGE to send any amount of assets from your Dogewallet, however. You can use this address to receive DOGE or Dogeparty assets. You wallet also contains additional addresses (starts with 10 by default) and you can generate an infinite number of new addresses, as well.

This can also be done through placing a custom order in the Exchange. The process is quite simple and is performed in the same way you go about placing a Buy/Sell order for pre-existing trading pairs. The only difference is, the orderbook will start empty and the chart will be barren as no trades have been made for it yet.

bwxtrade Assets are essentially “coins” within this new platform. I do not want to dive into the heated discussion concerning Namecoin assets being up to regular renewals because I respect different opinions and preferences. We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously.

Once you’ve created or bought some tokens and want to sell them, opening a dispenser of your own is the easiest way to do so, and setting it up is a breeze. Press “View Transaction” to follow the progress of the transaction on xchain, or else press “OK” to go back to your wallet. Note you must tick the box next to “I understand this is irreversible and I can NOT issue new supply in the future” before proceeding.

So each player’s entry fee into the game is the first step to being in the final prize raffle. We will be selling luxury high end pet products online targeting the upper end of the market. Full copyright with production-ready files for digital and/or print.

BITBEG was issued on August 15, 2014 (Dogecoin block 337,409) with a total (locked) supply of 1,000 (divisible asset). The artwork (see Fig.4 on the right) features Bitcoinbegger’s PFP and the first Doge-related picture on Dogeparty/Counterparty. A wayback search provides off-chain evidence that the PFP was already used in April 2014. NISSANIDX was issued by Daniel Spiller in block 342,981 on August 19, 2014, and the image was attached on-chain in the issuance transaction. Daniel has not put it up for distribution to avoid potential image rights issues. XAUDI was issued by Daniel Spiller in block 342,914 on August 19, 2014, and the image was attached on-chain in the issuance transaction.

Designs Capturing the title and description of the book.

You love the artwork but do not want to dive too much into the protocol-specific details? An increasing number of Dogeparty assets are also available via OpenSea EmblemVaults (same as your fav Counterparty assets). The number of these 2014 Dogeparty assets with recent artwork is growing quickly. Potentially, there could be thousands one day given the large number of assets that were minted in the first months after Dogeparty was launched the first time. It is interesting to compare these early Dogeparty assets with Counterparty assets to gain another perspective on how unique these Dogeparty assets with 2014 artwork actually are. In principle, there are eight Counterparty assets with some kind of artwork metadata (provided in parenthesis) that were in place before JOLLYROGER was minted.

Due to a later burn, the current locked supply is 999. It is one of the most popular and well distributed 2014 Dogeparty assets (at the time of writing this article, the supply is distributed on 271 addresses). In addition to token pages, you can also use xchain to find pages for Dogeparty transactions and addresses, including by searching for them using the search utility. Transactions and addresses can also be referenced on a standard Dogecoin block explorer and are linked to the SoChain explorer in xchain. They can of course also be copied and pasted into other Dogecoin block explorers like Blockchair and Dogechain. You can follow the progress of the Buy order on the xchain block explorer by pressing “View Transaction”; otherwise press “OK” to return to the wallet.

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